Study in North Cyprus


North Cyprus draws attention with its universities as it does with tourism. This lovely island offers an opportunity to study, with the added bonus of the taste of holiday with its sun, sea and natural life. Growing larger each day with their modern campuses, the universities in North Cyprus play host to thousands of students who want to study in a peaceful and reliable country. More than 40 thousand students from different countries around the world are studying in North Cyprus, one of the most significant educational centers of the Mediterranean. The educational system in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (T.R.N.C.) is fast becoming one of the best in the whole of Europe. Admission is open for the 2013 and 2014 session.

⦁ Universities in North Cyprus are known for quality Education at International standards in English.
⦁ North Cyprus Universities are Internationally recognized and accepted worldwide.
⦁ Education in North Cyprus is in line with the American Credit System.
⦁ International Students have the opportunity to enjoy qualified faculty members at international standards.
⦁ There are hundreds of courses available. All in English Medium of study.
⦁ Affordable tuition fees and moderate living expenses. The tuition fees are moderate and cheaper than most parts of Europe.
⦁ Very High standard of Education with Excellent facilities for social, cultural and sports activities.
⦁ Accommodation is world class standard and available both on campus and around the city.
We have 2 schools available for North Cyprus;
⦁ Cyprus International University (C.I.U)
⦁ Girne American University (G.A.U)
⦁ European University of Lefke (E.U.L)
Cyprus International University

Cyprus International University was established in 1997 following a meticulous five year preparation programme. It was established as a result of rising interest in higher educational institutions, teaching in English, and after the increased need for universities which conduct education in foreign languages in Turkey, The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and other countries in our region. CIU successfully obtained the necessary equality certifications for all of its faculties and departments, and was immediately included in the official catalogue of The Turkish Centre of Student Selection and Placement (ÖSYM) by The Turkish Higher Education Board (YÖK). Cyprus International University provides the same infrastructure, technological apparatus and physical opportunities, as the best universities in Turkey, Europe and the United States.

  Cyprus International University (CIU) Programs
Undergraduate Programs:
⦁ Bioengineering
⦁ Civil Engineering
⦁ Computer Engineering
⦁ Electrical and Electronics Engineering
⦁ Energy Systems Engineering
⦁ Environmental Engineering
⦁ Industrial Engineering
⦁ Information Systems Engineering
⦁ Pharmacy
⦁ Biosystems Engineering
⦁ Plant Production and Technology
⦁ Law
⦁ Business Administration
⦁ European Union Relations
⦁ International Relations
⦁ Social Work
⦁ Architecture
⦁ Graphic Design
⦁ Industrial Products Design
⦁ Interior Design
⦁ English Language And Literature
⦁ Psychology
⦁ Advertising and Public Relations
⦁ Journalism
⦁ Visual Communication Design
⦁ Arts Education and Crafts Teaching
⦁ Classroom Teaching
  ⦁ Computer and Instructional Technology Teaching Education
⦁ English Language Teaching
⦁ Guidance and Psychological Counselling
Masters Programs:
⦁ Master Program in English Language Teaching (MA)
⦁ Master Program in Business Administration (MBA)
⦁ Master Program in International Relations (MA)
⦁ Master Program in Turkish Language and Literature (MA)
⦁ Master Programs in Communication and Media Studies (MA)
⦁ Master Program in Turkish Education
⦁ Master Program in Preschool Education (MA)
⦁ Master Program in English Language and Literature (MA)
⦁ Master Program in Health Care Organizations Management (MA)
⦁ Master Program in Tourism and Hospitality Management
⦁ Master Program in Computer Engineering (MSc)
⦁ Master Program in Information Systems Engineering (MSc)
⦁ Master Program in Civil Engineering Program (MSc)
⦁ Master Program in Management Information Systems (MSc)
⦁ Master Program in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (MSc)
⦁ Master Program in Engineering Management (MSc)
⦁ Master Program in Environmental Engineering (MSc)
⦁ Master Program in Energy Systems Engineering (MSc)
⦁ Master Program in Environmental Sciences (MSc)
⦁ Master Program in Architecture (MA)
⦁ Master Program in Graphic Design (MA)
⦁ Master Program in Interior Architecture (MA)

The tuition fee is 3,690 Euro/year. PLEASE NOTE THAT CIU will give between 25% and 50% academic scholarship to the Nigerian students who will apply for Fall 2013 intake. These scholarships will be given to the specific students based on their academic grades. After the evaluation of the students’ credentials, the School will grant the successful students with 25-50% scholarships accordingly.

Accommodation is between 1,725 Euros and 2670 Euros per year.
Total fee ranges between 5415 Euros and 6360 Euros depending on the type of accommodation chosen.
N.B- Please note that there is a feeding package where students are given food 3 times daily. Visit the school website for more information. CIU ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS;
⦁ O-level result with five credits including Math and English.
⦁ Data page of international passport.
⦁ Completed application form.
⦁ Application fee.
⦁ Student receives a conditional acceptance letter in a maximum time of two weeks after documents have been received.
⦁ Students will be required to pay an initial school fee directly into the school account. An initial fee of 1,845Euros must be paid into the school account before the final acceptance letter is issued.